Fluid Mechanics, 2023 Hand Tumbler, 2018 Eagle Coffee Pot, 2018 Honey Pot, 2018 Mouse-tard Pot 2, 2016 Puffin Head Stirrup Cup, 2016 Walrus with Tusks, 2016 Polar Bear Stirrup Cup, 2016 Honey Skep, 2016 Ladle with Stone, 2015 Swirly Pot 3, 2014 Kern Cup, 2010 Mouse-tard 1, 2010 Bullet Tea Caddy, 2009 Spoon with Inset Stone, 2009 Decanter Label, 2009 Salute to Santa Clara del Cobre, 2008 Puzzle Piece Napkin Rings, 2008 Cobalt 1910, 2007 Mokume Ginger Jar, 2007 Granite Candelabra, 2006 Letter Knife with Stone Handle, 2005 Martini Glass, 2005 Goblet, 2005 Silver Goblet, 2005 Martini Glass 2, 2005 Retro Beaker, 2005 Swirly Pot, 2005 Swirly Pot 1 (base), 2005 Goblet, 2005 Gibraltar Point Lighthouse Coffee Pot, 2004 Ponticelli de Luce, 2004 Abbot's Harbour Lighthouse Coffee Pot, 2003 Radio Active, 2002 Geometric Water Jug, 2000 Big Shippegan Coffee Pot, 2000 Fish Slice, 2000 Child's Mug, 1998